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Hi Scott, 4-6-19 Sat.
I hope you are doing reasonably well.  
You are right, patients can hear while unconscious so you can talk to her.
Only say positive things and positive words.
I Love You, and Thank-You are OK to say.
DO NOT say words which can be interpreted  as negative such as, I forgive you, nor the words Hurt, disconnected or separated, etc.
In a coma type state those negative words can be mis-interpreted as negative and hurtful.  Remember her brain is not in high gear.  She cannot understand words spoken at the standard speed.  Her brain is working in "low-gear." so talk slow and only positive and happy words.
- - - Sat Apr 6 Day 10 pm - - -  email #15 Author Ira Byock. 5 things to say to somebody before they pass: 

Respirations are 14 to 15 per minute and that number says she is in comfort. though her breathing sounds labored. due to sore throat 

     Faith is on comfort care
also they took her off the Saline IV so she may be dehydrated? 
She just gets 10 ml / hr 0.9% Sodium Chloride Maintenance to keep her IV port open. so I turned heat in room back down to 70. was 71/72 

Sat Apr 6 10:30 MDiv Palliative care team.
offers Author: Ira Byock. 5 things to say to somebody before they pass: 
I love you
thank you
I forgive you
Please forgive me if there is anything that needs saying for. 
if there was ever anything I ever dId that hurt you 
or made you feel disconnected or separated. 
good bye

Sat Apr 6 10:00 am Doctors Rounds MD nurse says not throat  but above throat  
offers that we may take oxygen mask off so i told him i would talk to family first. 
i am so scared. i am so sad. this is so unfair. Faith did everything she could for us.
i only wish she could still be here, at home, in bed, with her cat Abby :(

Sat Apr 6 8:00 am Waiting for doctors rounds. Faith breathing more difficult. soar mouth form Oxygen 

Sat Apr 6 7:00 am Sat Nurse Hand Off; RN NOC to Day

I can not sleep. each Night at wee hours i take 4 melatonin @ 1 per hour and 4 Diphenadryl / Antihistamines but can not sleep. 

Please no phone calls. email is best. phone ok if you email first to ask via email if i am awake. sorry. 

- - - Fri Apr 5 Midnight

11:30pm Fri Nurse Hand Off; RN EVE to NOC

Fri all eve. play music softly for Faith. when Faith breathing sounds to be her sleep pace i retreat to the couch. Till shift change 

Faith is sleeping now. i will lay on couch quietly. 

- - - Fri Apr 5 Day 9 pm - - -  email #14 

i wish i could hold this moment forever but i am offering the peace and space to let go when she wants. 

Faith is breathing quiet mode now, snored a little. so i am quiet now. to let her rest at 6:15pm Fri eve. 

Must pause and allow her comfort and rest. so i will lay on couch. as quiet
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.